One said that Truth hurts, the other that Ignorance does. Does it hurt if I don't even know the difference between the two?
If a baby were to be left on its own just an instant after birth - left alone to start all by itself, would it survive entirely on its own? Okay, assume it's not some microbial thing, and it's a human baby, then what?
Does the baby want to survive or do we just suppose this on its behalf? Oh, and you are probably right about that "as the parent, I have the will to see
my own survive", does the baby share in that will?
Someone said that we are born into captivity, and I think they were right. I additionally think that my will as a baby must have been to break free from that captivity - the unconscious will that up until when I started evolving, guided my notion of what Truth is. So, here I am in my possibly relative state of freedom, should I continue to hold onto those Truths I survived by assuming survival is no more my will?
A stochastic life is not desirable to a man that must survive (as this puts fate on a mystical pedestal), but what of the rational, deterministic man? Do they control their fate? Or is it that they simply live a simpler and happier life just because they've disciplined themselves to accept their rigorous and elaborate illusion for a law of survival and only take advantage over their chaotic comrades by mere nature of their instability?
I prefer living the simpler, happier life. A life where there's a convincing illusion I can readily accept as a law of survival. Occam's razor is a handy tool in the life of a happy man, Einstein's razor makes it plausible that this happiness shall live long enough to see me through today.