Monday, 12 August 2013

True Essence of Mating Species

If the only metric for survival of man as a species is ability to mate, then a couple of fundamentals that I deem important to note are:

1. That for a female species, their only means of survival is intrinsically embedded inside of their very material being - their body holds that essence that makes or breaks their survival. It's the reason physical beauty is enough to secure survival for a female species.

2. That for male species, their only means of survival is external to their physical being - it's something in their spirit / intellect. It's an essence that can't be seen nor judged by mere inspection of the male body, but something that must be discovered only through close and careful inspection of the male's intellect and character.

It's the reason males can judge a suitable female species by mere inspection of her appearance, while females require not only time, but patient study of their males in order to determine who the real winner is - assuming they are not in a rush to mate (e.g desperate women in their mid-age that haven't yet secured a relationship might desperately have to abandon all selection criteria and just go with whomever nature presents to them as possible male partner. This rarely happens for the male species, as they continue to seek ever more beautiful partners regardless of how much beauty they already have in their possession).

So, men learn to allow women to study you, allow them time to observe you and take you in.

Women on the other hand, ought to understand that they are intrinsically beings of such clear beauty that a mere inspection of their appearance is often all that counts for a male species to make judgement -  this criteria is not necessarily the one that delivers the best possible partners, but it's arguably the most natural and easiest selection technique available to the male species. So don't fight being sexually powerful on men - that's your ultimate God-given magic over the intellectually superior male species! A very potent magic that can foil the greatest intellects. So stop fighting your sexuality.

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