Monday, 11 March 2013

Hacking Under Capitalism's Yolk

Am not out to own the world, but if I can get the little things to make me happy along the way, then happiness is my journey while putting out my best possible.

Capitalism is evil intrinsically, but is an unavoidable evil in this world of a greedy mankind.

We need a few deviant souls, willing to work for works own sake, for man to evolve positively.

Friday, 8 March 2013

The Curse of Being God

What would you do once you became God or what would you do differently and why? Now, put that model of yours in a ring with the world as we know it, and tell me the outcome.

Philosophy Without Words?

That words on their own have no meaning outside of context, and that truth is to be found in the langue (signified) and not the parole (signifier). That if I say, "I think, therefore I Am", that's absolute emptiness outside of the right context or without reference to the actual signified essence.

Clearly, I see the fate of universals and what would become of debate and communication? A mere drama of  eventual agreement/disagreement based on faith?

As I have said previously, only by faith can we the finite claim to grasp absolute essence, and in this light, I see a death for philosophy as we know it (and all communication between finite beings). Unless of course  we agree to limit ourselves to relative essence, in which case we attain a philosophy higher than rhetoric but still much below truth.

The invention of symbol has been to me one of our best as a species wishing to relate.

A Simple Happy Life

One said that Truth hurts, the other that Ignorance does. Does it hurt if I don't even know the difference between the two?

If a baby were to be left on its own just an instant after birth - left alone to start all by itself, would it survive entirely on its own? Okay, assume it's not some microbial thing, and it's a human baby, then what?

Does the baby want to survive or do we just suppose this on its behalf? Oh, and you are probably right about that "as the parent, I have the will to see my own survive", does the baby share in that will?

Someone said that we are born into captivity, and I think they were right. I additionally think that my will as a baby must have been to break free from that captivity - the unconscious will that up until when I started evolving, guided my notion of what Truth is. So, here I am in my possibly relative state of freedom, should I continue to hold onto those Truths I survived by assuming survival is no more my will?

A stochastic life is not desirable to a man that must survive (as this puts fate on a mystical pedestal), but what of the rational, deterministic man? Do they control their fate? Or is it that they simply live a simpler and happier life just because they've disciplined themselves to accept their rigorous and elaborate illusion for a law of survival and only take advantage over their chaotic comrades by mere nature of their instability?

I prefer living the simpler, happier life. A life where there's a convincing illusion I can readily accept as a law of survival. Occam's razor is a handy tool in the life of a happy man, Einstein's razor makes it plausible that this happiness shall live long enough to see me through today.

Basic Inquiry

Is Truth something real that we can attempt to find or just a useful illusion only as necessary as the limitations at hand?

You wake up to a certain knowledge of Truth, then what?

Would acquisition of Truth advance you or detract from you?

Does it change anything if you gradually work towards Truth?

What is Truth?

What is Truth as you have been taught?

What is Truth now?

What was Truth in the past?

What shall be Truth tomorrow?

Is Truth real or just a useful illusion?

The inquiry is both basic and painful,  what is my limitation to executing this inquiry?

Am living in a rush-hour world, where taking any time off the normal capitalist schedule, to ponder the basic inquiry is unfit or wasteful. Either because the inquiry is no more necessary, or the necessary tragedy is yet to come - what is the individual to do when they find themselves in the empty room?